Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20

Tonight one of the girls was giving me a hard time. She was slamming doors and yelling and talking back big time. After I finally got her to calm down and go to bed, I went to each of the girls to kiss them goodnight and to spend a little time talking with each of them. I came to her last and she was head to toe covered in her blanket. With the ridiculous heat, I started to sweat just by looking at her. She was angry of course, but I pulled the blanket down and I talked to her. As much as I wanted to yell at her for giving me such a hard time, I restrained. It took a lot out of me. I was praying that something would go through and that I wouldn‘t think too much about how I felt about her at the moment, but more about how much God loves her and how much she‘s been through. I tried to encourage her and help her realize that she doesn’t have to act the way that she does. We talked for a while (well, I did most of the talking), but at least she listened and said a few things here and there. I prayed with her at the end and kissed her goodnight. If it weren’t for God’s help there’s no way I could have kept my cool. I wanted to smack that child. Shows you how loving I am. If you have time, please send a prayer up for this one girl and for me so that I deal with her the way He wants me to.

At the Infa, things have been as crazy as ever. Good news though… Lixi is back! I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that, but yes… my baby is back. She hadn’t come to the Infa for a long time. I missed her so much. I’ve been going earlier to the Infa because her mom asked me to. She said that she can’t work because she has to take care of Lixi. I told her I would go earlier to take care of Lixi and her dirty diapers. The thing is every morning they have an excuse and they bring her late. It’s very frustrating because I could be resting back at the Hogar. My days are very very long especially when there are classes. In classes I’m working with the kids who are behind. There are these siblings who both have some very serious problems in reading and learning. They don’t know any of their alphabet or numbers. I tried to explain why we use the alphabet and that we use letters to form words, but they still didn’t understand. They don’t even know the concept of words or letters. It worries me because I don’t think anyone will take them time to teach them when I leave. I ask them what they’re writing in their notebooks and the kids have no idea. They just copy what’s on the board. The teachers don’t care if they don’t know what it means. They’ll pass them anyways and won‘t take the time to explain it to them. A lot of the kids get really angry if I sit them down and try to help them, but I know that if I give up, they’ll never learn. Some of the kids throw things and yell at me… such as Anayeli. I just wish there was someone who would continue when I’m gone. Their teachers aren’t taking the time to teach them and their parents definitely aren’t taking the time.

Even though it’s extremely stressful, I really enjoy it. I love seeing the kids’ faces when they understand something or when they do something right. I want to continue with it when I get back. I do need a job for the summer and I’m praying that God opens a door for me to work somewhere that will let me continue something along these lines. Pray for me please!!

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