Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nov 19

Today we played charades. My group did Daniel and the lion’s den. First I want to introduce you to Wildmer. He’s maybe thirty years old and he has some problems with his speech and I think there are some other things wrong with him as well. He goes to the Infa and eats and does chores and such with the kids. Anyways, he was in our group. He was given the name Daniel because we had no other guys in our group. The two older girls were going to push him to a group of ferocious lions and then Wildmer (Daniel) was going to put his hands together to pray and then the lions would stop roaring and close their mouths. This is a lot easier said than done. During the first practice, the girls pushed Wildmer into the ferocious group of lions and he just fell flat on his face. He didn’t get up for like 10 seconds. This was a problem because he had to get up and pray eventually. Another problem was the ferocious lions weren’t really ferocious at all. They were more on the giggly side than anything else. When it was time to perform in front of other groups, the lions decided to roar once or twice each and as soon as Wildmer fell on the ground, they decided that it was their time to stop. Wildmer fell face down again and stayed there for maybe 5 seconds (improvement). Then he got up and looked at them and whispered (in a loud whisper) to go. He wanted them to keep growling until he prayed… or at least that’s what I thought he was doing. The lions shuffled a little bit, but not one continued to growl. It was pretty funny. Some people guessed Jesus praying, some guessed Moses, but no one guessed that the gigglies were actually terrifying lions. I really didn’t mind that our skit turned out to look more like Moses parting the waters than anything else. It was worth the laugh.

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