Friday, October 30, 2009

october 29

My hives are gone! Horray!! I know this may not be as exciting for you, but after five days of wanting to rip my skin off, I find it very very exciting. Instead of my whole body being itchy, only my bug bites are itchy and it is very comforting to me.

The Infa is still as crazy as ever. I’m becoming very attached to the little girl Lixi. Whenever she has to do her business, I’ve got to clean her up and change her with the little supplies we have. I think that because it’s so disgusting, a bond has grown between us. Haha I’m getting used to it and I really don’t mind it as much. She gets really tired in the afternoons and the other day I sang her to sleep. I’m going to really miss this child.

I’ve also been trying to teach some of the kids the alphabet and it’s extremely hard. I was the biggest nerd as a kid and I loved to read. I did my homework for funsies. These kids… not so much. They’re more on the normal side. I’m working on it… but it’s suuuuper hard. Also… because of elections on the 21st of November, the government wants to close down schools starting November 1. It’s absolutely terrible. The kids are already behind because the teachers were on strike… but now it’s going to be worse. Nelson is talking about hiring a teacher for the Infa, but it’s going to cost a lot of money and he’s not sure it’s going to work out. On the positive side... one of the girls that I’m trying to teach in the morning is learning how to add big numbers well. I promised to buy ice cream for whoever was good and she’s the only one who has been listening to me. So tomorrow she’s going to get one… and I might (more like definitely will) buy one for myself too.

Random fact: Geckos like to poop on my bed. It’s super gross, but I just have to brush it off. They’re always chillin out above me and so they figure… why not. It’s a nice big target. Yes. I know. Ew.

Some of the girls and I, in an attempt to keep our pants size in check, are doing Tae-bo. Do you remember this exercise breakthrough a few years back? Well, we’re trying to do it every night and it’s been happening for a week now… I’m hoping my desire to exercise and be fit is stronger than my desire to eat… although it’s very unlikely. I like my ice cream. 

Feeling generous?
These kids could always use some materials to learn their alphabet. Email me @ so I can give you instructions on how to send money…. Or if you have the things in your possession, just send it to this address:

Reach International
El Hogar de Ninos
Shearin Matute
Santa Barbara, Honduras

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