Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 11

It’s September 11 and I feel weird not being home. Tarynn and I talked about where we both were when we first heard about the plane crashes into the World Trade Center. I don’t know why, but I feel like I should be home today. I feel like I should be home to remember the families and all the people who were killed. It’s weird knowing that things are passing by at home without me being there. It’s weird that September 11 is just another day to people here while it has so much meaning to me and people from America. I don’t know if I make any sense, but that’s what my little Filipino brain is thinking.

Anyways, today has been disappearing quickly… and our bread is another thing that has been disappearing quickly. I feel like I’ve eaten enough carbs to last me a lifetime. Some people said that I’d lose weight and other said that I’d gain it… Knowing my appetite, I’m pretty sure I know which one is going to happen. One of the first days here, Tarynn and I found an exercise tape and we’re planning to take advantage of it this weekend. We want to try and rope some of the girls into doing it with us too. They may think we’re crazy, but I’d rather be crazy than gordita. Sorry, I get way off track… I was going to talk about the Infa. We took Laurel with us to the Infa today. She’s a new volunteer from Southern. She was supposed to go to Africa, but something went wrong and she couldn’t go. The kids were really good to her and gave her lots of hugs and they renamed her like they renamed Tarynn. Laurel’s new name is Laura.

On Sunday, it’s Fernando’s birthday. We’re really excited because it’s our day off and Tarynn and I are going to take him out to eat baleadas and to have some ice cream. He’s one of the older boys at the Infa and he’s very very helpful. He’s the one that helped us find a piñata and candy for yesterday. I’m a big fan of this kid. He also made my job easier today when I was making sure the kids did their chores. I had to make sure that the boys were cleaning the bathroom (I wouldn’t really call it cleaning the bathroom, but I won’t argue). Fernando ended up doing more than he had to and telling the boys to do what they needed to do.

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